
This is a Laravel Livewire component designed for creating, editing, and sending emails. Key features include user selection, attachment handling, email scheduling and generation of email content using GPT-3 AI language model.


Follow the below steps to implement this component:

  • Copy the Livewire component EmailEditor.php to your app/Livewire directory.
  • Copy the Blade view index.blade.php to your resources/views/livewire/email-editor directory.
  • Copy the trait EditorData.php to your app/Livewire/Traits directory.


After placing the files in the right directories, you can use the component in your Laravel project by adding it to a Blade file:


Basic Usage

The EmailEditor component provides a user interface for selecting users, attaching files, scheduling and sending emails. This is done via the Livewire render() function which returns the view from the resources/views/livewire/email-editor/index.blade.php.

Configuration and Customization

You can customize the email sender's name and email address by changing the $emailFrom and $emailFromName properties in EmailEditor.php.

For customizing the email content, you can modify the $templateSubject and $templateContent properties. The email content is generated with the help of GPT-3 AI language model using the generateTemplateContent() function.

You can also customize the users to whom the email is to be sent by modifying the $users variable in the mount() function in EmailEditor.php.