Multiple File Upload using FilePond in Livewire
Tech Stack: alpine-js, livewire
Maximum 3 files can be uploaded for this demo.
Files of uploaded
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This component also requires you to create a Blade component. Run the following command in your project root folder to generate a new blade component
php artisan make:component filepond --view
The command above will create a Blade file at resources/views/components/filepond.blade.php which can be rendered as a component via
Put the contents shown above in Blade Component Tab in filepond.blade.php
And finally, you can call the livewire component like so:
Livewire makes it seamless to integrate with FilePond. We have also used Alpine.js in this project. Make sure you include the following libraries for the integration to work.
<!-- AlpineJS -->
<script defer src=""></script>
<!-- Keep the CSS files in the head section of the HTML -->
<!-- FilePond CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Filepond JS -->
<!-- Keep this in the body at the end -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>