This implementation guide is for the UserAvatarTailwind component, a Laravel Livewire component that allows users to upload, change, and display their avatar. The component utilizes the Livewire's file uploads feature and integrates directly with Laravel's authentication system.
Implementation Instructions
1. Copy the UserAvatarTailwind.php component file to yourapp/Livewire
It should look something like this:
2. Copy the user-avatar-tailwind.blade.php view file to your resources/views/livewire
It should look something like this:
To use the UserAvatarTailwind component in a Laravel blade view, use the following Livewire component directive:
Usage Instructions
The UserAvatarTailwind component automatically handles file uploads when a file is selected in the 'Change Avatar' input field. The uploaded file is stored in an S3 bucket named 's3-avatars' and the user's avatar URL in the database is updated. The component re-renders to display the new avatar.
The UserAvatarTailwind component can be customized by modifying the updatedAvatar()
method in the component class. For example, you may change the storage disk, the upload directory, or the alert message.
For customization of the visual elements, you can modify the user-avatar-tailwind.blade.php view file. This file uses Tailwind CSS classes, but you can replace them with your own CSS or other CSS frameworks as needed.